Vizuelni Identitet, Strategija razvoja brenda,
Art direkcija
Kreirali smo novi B2B brend Sprau, zajedno sa našim strateškim partnerima, 4Gaia, boutique agencija iz Kopenhagena iz Danske.
Kreiranje potpuno nove B2B marke i vizuelnog identiteta u sektoru biljnih proizvoda (plant based).
Ponovno otkrivanje drevnog zaboravljene mahunarke Faba (široki pasulj ili pasulj Fava) u Finskoj, pionirskim procesom klijanja u cilju kvalitetnije ishrane ljudi i blagostanja planete.
Komuniciranje klijanja (germination) i funkcionalne i emocionalne blagodati fabe - pasulja sa bogatim makro-mikro nutrijentima i najvišim sadržajem proteina među ostalim mahunarkama na severnoj hemisferi.
Sprau - značenje imena
Naglašavanje procesa klijanja (germination, sprouting) kao primarne energije prirode, iskre, varnice. Početne iskra koja budi potencijal i energiju zrna.
Reason to Believe
We discovered the potential of an ancient crop, the faba bean, that has been present in Finland since the 13th century. Our faba beans come from northern Finnish terrain, located at the northernmost point for faba bean cultivation in the world - 63°N.
And then we did something unique, something that requires skill, something that requires understanding. With a specially tailored use of water, air, heat and time, in a process called germination, we natured the bean - slowly, carefully - so that it reaches its full potential, to a beanful of life.
Brand tagline - Beanful of life
It is not just a humble bean. It has been awakened to something more: to the best of itself, to its full potential. It is now bursting with it.
It is not just a tiny bean. It’s a handful of hope, of spring, of looking forward, to the best. So small. So powerful. So majestic. So natural.
A bean full of life.
Beanful of life.
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Viking Malt
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Vizuelni Identitet, Strategija razvoja brenda, Art direkcija
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Markku Lempinen
Elina Innanen
Godina /